Privacy Policy

使用本网站即表示您同意本私隐政策, LLC和LR销售和经销商Spike Opco, LLC. 保护您的私人信息是我们的首要任务,我们致力于保护您的在线隐私. 本隐私政策解释了我们可能通过我们的网站收集您的哪些个人信息, 当我们收集的时候, 我们如何使用它, 我们可以向谁披露, 并旨在帮助您了解有关收集和使用您的数据的条款和条件.


Our primary goal in collecting your personal information is to enable us to personalize your interactions and experiences with our website.

我们可能会收集识别的信息, relates to, describes, references, 能与…联系在一起吗, 或者可以合理地联系起来, 直接或间接, (“个人资料”). In particular, 本网站在过去十二(12)个月内收集了以下类别的个人信息:



A. Identifiers

Name, 电话号码, postal address, e-mail address, 社会保险号, date of birth, account name, IP address, or other information you voluntarily provide to initiate a purchase transaction or to opt in to receiving future communications from us.

B. 识别身份的个人信息, relates to, describes, 或能够与…联系在一起的, 一个特定的人, including, 但不限于, his or her name, signature, 社会保险号, 物理特征或描述, address, 电话号码, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, 保险单编号, education, employment, 工作经历, 银行账号, 信用卡号, 借记卡号码, 或任何其他财务信息.

Name, address, 电话号码, 物理地址, zip code, email address, company name, 信用卡号, income, 或您可能为获得报价或完成购买交易而提供的其他财务信息.

C. 商业信息

住房信息, 购买的产品或服务, and purchasing and consuming histories or tendencies.

D. Internet or other similar network activity

浏览器的类型和版本, 服务提供者, 设备识别信息, 您可能使用的任何搜索引擎或其他参考网站来定位我们的网站, and information regarding your interaction with the website, application, 或广告.

E. 地理位置数据.


F. Professional or employment-related information.


G. Inferences drawn from other 个人信息.

Information regarding your interaction with the website, application, 或广告; browsing history


我们收集您自愿提供或通过其他直接联系方式从您那里获得的个人信息. 当您访问我们的网站时, we may also passively or automatically collect additional 个人信息 and non-personally identifiable data regarding the means you use to access our website and the content you view when you use our website, for example, 通过我们网站上的cookies.


如果你要求一个单位价格报价, you may be asked to provide 个人信息 such as your name, address, 电话号码, zip code, 电子邮件地址和其他与期望单位购买相关的交易信息. 您的个人信息可能会被用于与您联系,提供所要求的报价或要求提供其他信息. 虽然不是必需的, you may voluntarily provide financial information so that a determination can be made regarding units that meet the parameters of your requested unit quote or your pre-qualification for financing, if interested.


如果您在线提交单位订单, 您将被要求提供个人信息以完成购买交易. 这些信息包括你的名字, email address, 送货地址以及财务信息,以方便交易付款和计费. If your online unit order is not processed correctly, 您的个人信息可能用于与您联系以完成交易. 来处理一个购买交易, it may be necessary for us to supplement information you provide with information we receive from third party sources to obtain approval from a financial lending institution. Your 个人信息 may also be shared with third parties to assist with finalizing the purchase transaction such as shipping companies (i.e., UPS, USPS, FedEx) and credit card processing companies. 这些第三方公司没有, to our knowledge, retain, share, store, 或将个人资料用于提供所需服务目的以外的任何次要目的.


如果你使用数字零售工具来计算你估计的月供, you are not required to provide 个人信息 unless you decide to contact the dealer to obtain additional information about the unit you are interested in. 如果你决定联系经销商, 您将被要求提供您的姓名, email address, 收货地址和电话号码. 您的个人信息将用于就您的查询与您联系.

Log Files

我们使用IP地址来分析趋势, 管理网站, 跟踪用户的移动, and gather broad demographic and geographic information for aggregate use. 只有当您提交要求附加信息的表单时,IP地址才会链接到个人信息.


不时地, this website may offer contests or request information from you via surveys to conduct research about your opinion of current services or of potential new services that may be offered. Participation in these surveys or contests is completely voluntary and you are not obligated to disclose the 个人信息 requested such as your name, email address, mailing address, 或人口统计信息(i.e.,年龄,邮政编码). 如果你选择参加比赛, 所提供的联络资料只会用于通知得奖者及颁发奖品. 调查信息将仅用于监控或改善本网站的使用和满意度.



Use of Cookies

我们的网站可能会使用“cookies”来帮助您个性化您的在线体验. cookie是网页服务器放在你硬盘上的文本文件. cookie不能用于运行程序或向您的计算机发送病毒. cookie是唯一分配给您的,并且只能由向您发出cookie的域内的web服务器读取.

cookie可用于各种目的,例如检测您的设备以前是否访问过特定的在线服务. 我们在网页上使用cookie,使您更愉快地访问我们的网站,并启用某些功能, 包括识别以前在您的设备上看过的单元的能力.

Who We Share Your 个人信息 With

We do not sell, rent or lease our customer lists to third parties. We may share your 个人信息 with:

在过去的十二(12)个月内, 我们出于商业目的披露了以下类别的个人信息:

如果法律要求我们这么做, or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary, we will disclose your 个人信息, without notice, to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on our company or the website; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of our company; and (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of our website, or the public.

Data Retention

We retain 个人信息 we collect from you for the period of time that is necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy (for example, 向您提供您所要求的服务或遵守适用的法律, 税务或会计要求), unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.


This website may contain links to other sites. 请注意,我们不负责此类其他网站的隐私做法. 我们鼓励我们的用户阅读每个收集个人身份信息的网站的隐私声明. 本隐私声明仅适用于本网站收集的信息.


We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via our website, your information is protected both online and offline. 每当我们收集敏感信息时, that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. We do not collect sensitive 个人信息 in online forms you may voluntarily complete to indicate your interest in a unit or service. 我们存储个人信息的计算机和服务器都保存在安全的环境中.


我们认为保护儿童的网络隐私尤为重要. 我们不会故意收集13岁以下儿童的个人信息, 不管来源是什么. Nor do we share with any third party for any purpose whatsoever 个人信息 from website visitors younger than thirteen years of age. 如果你未满13岁, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission to use this website.


本《最新靠谱的足球外围推荐》是对《最新靠谱的足球外围推荐》中所载信息的补充和明确构成的一部分 Privacy Policy 并且只适用于所有访客, users, and others who reside in the State of California ("consumers" or "you"). We adopt this Notice to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act ("CCPA"). CCPA中所定义的任何术语在本公告中使用时具有相同的含义.

根据CCPA,我们必须披露我们是否出售个人信息. 我们不出售个人信息, but we may share 个人信息 with third parties or allow them to collect 个人信息 from our Site or services if those third parties are authorized 服务提供者s or business partners who have agreed to our contractual limitations as to their retention, use, and disclosure of such 个人信息, 或者您指示我们向第三方披露您的个人信息.

California law grants you the right to know:


In connection with any 个人信息 we may share, or disclose to a third party for a business purpose, 您有权知道我们:

Under CCPA and certain other privacy and data protection laws, as applicable, you have the right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of your 个人信息 and the right to opt-out of the use or disclosure of your sensitive 个人信息. 如果您行使选择退出的权利, 我们将避免出售或分享您的个人信息或披露您的敏感个人信息, unless you subsequently provide express authorization for the sale, sharing, or disclosure of your 个人信息. 如欲选择不披露您的个人资料,请透过电邮联络我们 or use the 消费者私隐表格.


加州消费者可以访问下面列出的网站,要求查看已收集的个人信息. You may also request correction or your 个人信息 or request to have us delete any 个人信息 that has been collected. Such requests may be submitted by using the 消费者私隐表格. It's important to note that under the CCPA, 您只能在十二(12)个月内提出两次数据访问或数据可移植性披露请求.

您有权不因行使CCPA规定的任何权利而受到我们的歧视. As a result, we will not deny you goods or services for exercising these rights, 对行使这些权利的商品或服务收取不同的价格, 为行使这些权利提供不同水平或质量的商品或服务, 甚至暗示你会因为行使这些权利而获得不同的价格、不同水平或质量的商品或服务. However, 我们可能会向您提供CCPA允许的某些财务激励,从而导致不同的价格, rates, 或者质量水平. Any CCPA-permitted financial incentive we offer will reasonably relate to your 个人信息's value and contain written terms that describe the program's material aspects. 参与财务激励计划需要您事先选择同意, 你可以随时撤销.

Opt-Out & Unsubscribe

我们尊重您的隐私,并让您有机会随时选择不接收某些信息的通知. 用户可以通过以下电子邮件与我们联系,选择不接收我们的营销通讯 用户也可以通过使用通讯底部的退订链接来退订通讯.


This website is hosted on servers located in the United States. 因此,您的连接将通过并连接到位于美国的服务器. Any 个人信息 you provide during your visit will be processed and maintained on our web servers and other internal systems located within the United States. 通过使用本网站, you consent to the collection and use of your anonymous data, 个人信息, and/or form submissions for the purposes of analytics and/or advertising.


We reserve the right to change and update this Privacy Policy. These changes will be made when appropriate, and in a timely manner. 我们鼓励您不时查看我们的隐私政策,以确保您了解我们可能做出的任何更改. 您在隐私政策更新后继续使用我们的网站,即表示您同意该隐私政策.

How to Exercise Your Rights and Contact Information

如果您的个人信息发生变化(i.e., email address, 邮寄地址), or if you no longer desire to receive information from us, 我们将努力改正, update, or remove your 个人信息 from our records. If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, the ways in which we collect and use your information described above, your choices and rights regarding such use, 请不要犹豫与我们联系

If you wish to exercise your rights under CCPA, please use the 消费者私隐表格.

If we're not able to verify your identity or verify that the person making the request is the person about whom we collected the information, 我们没有义务披露数据访问或数据可移植性.

Any 个人信息 we collect from you to verify your identity in connection with your request will be used solely for the purposes of verification.
